Antiques & Salvage

Before Antiques & Salvage, we started our first projects back in the late 1980's as a hobby, and we have turned into a full service salvage company. My passion for salvaging old homes started out in my teens when my neighbor's house was
torn down to make room for the Highway 20 expansion in Dubuque. I saw that it wasn't being salvaged and I thought "What a waste!" There were so many missed opportunities inside that home that were still good. I have dedicated my life to making sure these treasures don't go to waste.
Today, we've expanded to salvaging churches, schools, and even entire neighborhoods. Our 21,000 square foot Cuba City showroom showcases some of our finer salvage.
We have a wide variety of antiques to choose from such as antique bottles, crocks, glassware, and much more. We carry a full line of architectural salvage ranging from doorknobs and stained glass windows to fireplace mantels and complete staircases. We also have a full line of furniture from parlor tables to two piece cupboards.
Building coming down in your area that you think should be salvaged? LET US KNOW!!!

Telegraph Herald Article
Click below to read more about us in an article from the Telegraph Herald.

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Hours Open:
Friday- 10:00am-5:00pm
Saturday- 10:00am-4:00pm
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